We get a small commission for purchases made through these links, which helps run this site. Note that this post contains paid affiliate links. If you want to discuss anything you’ve read here on my website, or saw on my youtube channel, or if you want to share images you’ve created using any of my techniques or presets, then I’ve started a new Facebook Group just for that.
If you’d rather not use Patreon, but still want to say thanks or help, then you can feed my caffeine habit and buy me a coffee via PayPal with a one off donation to my PayPal tip jar. In the installation window, click on Nik Collection.
Check out my Patreon Page for more details, and a big thanks to everyone already supporting this blog on Patreon. Locate the downloaded installation file and double-click on it to begin. There are a number of options available with different rewards, such as behind the scenes content, special Patreon only videos and more. oggi rendiamo disponibile il download del programma Nik Collection by DxO per i sistemi MAC OSX. If you like what you see here and you find this useful, then you can help support this blog and help me keep making great content like this by supporting me on Patreon for as little as $1 a month.